Benefits of Vocal Agility: Why Gaining Flexibility is Important to Your Career and Your Voice
You should learn to move your voice flexibly because: 1. Lots of opera roles require the ability to execute rapid fioritura. Can you afford to have fewer opportunities? 2. Oratorio and sacred music is often melsimatic, and requires a flexible voice. Many singers earn a large proportion of their performing money from church work, can you afford to be less marketable in this field? 3.Singers who can’t sing florid music often make a mess of simple ornaments. Do you want to be one of those singers? 4. It is easier to learn this now than it will be at any point in the future as your voice matures. 5. You know that wobble you sometimes have? By learning to slim your voice in order to move it around you learn how to control that wobble that sometimes occurs on your sustain. 6. Having a flexible voice will extend the length of your career. 7. When slightly larger voices that maybe didn’t move fast naturally and yet have learned to do it sing florid repertoire it is exciting and impressive. 8. When larger voices than you can sing coloratura faster and cleaner than you, you simply look unskilled 9. Your voice isn’t actually too big to sing runs and if you can’t do it you have technique issues to solve. 10. Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland!